Our project proposal shortlisted!

Good news for the start of the New Year!

The Regional Youth Cooperation Office (RYCO) received 129 project proposals for their fourth RYCO Open Call for Project Proposals which networked 392 partners from the Western Balkans.

The Selection Committee for the Call has determined that our application meets our guidelines, that it has been highly ranked among other applications, and is in line with the priorities set out by RYCO. Therefore, it is qualified for the next phase of the selection process. We are among 12 projects on the open call Preliminary list.

DPNSEE will do our best to provide all the necessary additional documents to have the application finally accepted by RYCO.


Special call for grant applications for pilot activities responding to local needs arising from the COVID-19

The European Youth Foundation (EYF) is launching a special call for local or national youth organisations that are looking for funding for activities which respond to local needs arising from the COVID-19 crisis.

You can apply for the EYF pilot activity grants. Priority will be given to pilot activities that aim at demonstrating solidarity and support to all persons affected by the COVID-19 crisis, such as:

  • Reaching out to and supporting particularly vulnerable groups of people, including homeless, refugees and asylum-seekers, people with disabilities, people living in isolation or in remote communities;
  • Support to health, social and educational services;
  • Education and awareness-raising of the importance of human rights in responses to COVID-19 crisis.

All pilot activities must respect the sanitary and safety measures put in place by the competent authorities at national and/or local level. Further, applicant youth organisations are strongly encouraged to co-ordinate their activities with the competent authorities and to indicate such in their project proposal.

The maximum EYF grant to a pilot activity is €10 000. The next cut-off date will be 10 May, but COVID-19 related applications may be submitted throughout 2020. Subsequent cut-off dates will be defined later in 2020, and include June and September, to allow for the processing of applications and decisions on grants.

Youth organisations can submit applications only if they are registered with the EYF. The instructions and criteria for registration can be found here>>>.

Information on the procedure and criteria for application can be found on the EYF website following this link>>>.

Initiative 5%

France is the first European donor to the Global Fund Against AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria with annual contribution of 360 million Euro. The 7% Initiative AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria is the second means whereby France contributes to the Global Fund. The purpose of the 7% Initiative is to respond to requests for high-level technical expertise from GF grant recipient countries, including French-speaking countries, in order to support and build their capacity for design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation and impact measurement relating to GF grants. Eligible SEE countries for this support include Albania, Bulgaria, Kosovo*, Montenegro, Romania and Serbia.

More about the Initiative is available from the web page following this link.

The French Embassy in Belgrade organised a presentation of the Initiative to the representatives on civil society organisations from Serbia working on the issue of AIDS. The presentation was held on 5 March 2018 in the French Cultural Centre.

Christelle Boulanger, Director of the Department for Pandemics at the Initiative and Bertrand Millet, Attaché de cooperation at the Institut français de Serbie presented the Initiative, answered various questions and gave good advice on preparing a project proposal.

As the deadline is 23 March 2018, interested organisations have to be quick in designing the Concept note of the project!

RYCO Open Call for projects

Six countries of Western Balkans: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, Montenegro, Macedonia and Serbia founded the Regional Youth Cooperation Office (RYCO) in July 2016 aiming to promote the spirit of reconciliation and cooperation between the youth in the region through youth exchange programs.

RYCO’s main objectives are:

  • Exchange and mobility: Increased mobility and exchange of young people and their key workers in the Western Balkans, which is fully representative of the diversity of the Western Balkan region.
  • Sectorial development: Greater competence among voluntary and/or professionals/youth workers accompanying young people in youth, education, sport, culture activities, dealing with reconciliation, intercultural learning and other regional topics through exchange and mobility.

RYCO launched its first Open Call for project proposals of civil society organizations and high schools in the field of promoting reconciliation in the region through increasing youth mobility, cooperation and activism. RYCO wants to empower youth for setting the road to better cooperation in the Western Balkans and ensure further progress towards European integration of the region.

The overall financial envelope for this call is EUR 900, 000. Requested budget should be between 10.000 and 35.000 Euros. Deadline for applications is 15 November 2017.

Full information about the Call is available from the RYCO webpage following this LINK>>>

Info sessions are organised in each of the Western Balkans countries. You can find the schedule of the sessions following this LINK>>>