EATG SCOPE project community consultation

The European AIDS Treatment Group (EATG) invited us to the SCOPE project community consultation held on 20 October 2022 with representatives from other key population network organisations on HIV combination prevention standards of care. Board member Marija Mijović represented DPNSEE at the consultations.

The SCOPE project is implemented with the aim to strengthen community engagement at local and regional levels and to reduce the gap in access and use of HIV combination prevention interventions by populations that are most affected by HIV, but which remain inadequately served by the health system and which are underrepresented in policy and public debate.

The purpose of this research was to identify a community consensus working definition of “HIV combination prevention” and develop population-specific standards of care indicators for the delivery of effective HIV combination prevention services in the WHO European region.

During the meeting, the participants had the opportunity to provide feedback on the research process, to ensure that population-specific prevention needs are incorporated and that the proposed prevention standards of care are acceptable and usable for future community monitoring.


Survey on diagnostics for self-testing in Europe

The European AIDS Treatment Group (EATG) has launched a survey to map out the pricing and availability of self-test kits for HIV and HCV in the WHO European region.

The aim of this survey is to address the lack of knowledge/awareness of the current pricing and availability of self-test kits for HIV and HCV in the WHO European region. In addition, data collected through this survey will be reported on and disseminated to community members in the autumn of 2021.

The results will also be used to inform key informant interviews in the autumn 2021 to further investigate regulatory, policy context and practical challenges and solutions from a community perspective.

EATG is a patient-led NGO that advocates for the rights and interests of people living with or affected by HIV/ AIDS and related co-infections within the WHO Europe region.

The survey data collection will close on 10 September 2021.

The survey is available following this link>>>.

COVID-19 crisis’ Impact on PLHIV and on Communities Most Affected by HIV

Concerns have been raised about the various implications the COVID-19 pandemic can have for people living with HIV and different communities affected by HIV, as well as for healthcare systems. There are also opportunities and solutions to be found. The European AIDS Treatment Group, as a network of people living with and affected by HIV and partners in Europe and Central Asia, supports community reporting and exchange between members and partners to support mutual learning and advocacy at local or European levels.

This rapid assessment aims to document in a structured manner the perceptions of people living with and affected by HIV and that of organisations providing services to affected communities about the way in which COVID-19 impacts their health, well-being and access to HIV related prevention, treatment and care. This assessment has its limitations and biases (little time to develop the tool, questionnaire only available online and only in English, limited time the survey was open). Nonetheless, this rapid assessment provides a snapshot of information, concerns and solutions shared by respondents in several countries during the week of 27 March to 3 April 2020.

Respondents include those from Romania, Albania, Slovenia and Greece.

The rapid assessment is available following this link>>>


Sex Work & HIV Training Programme

The International Committee on the Rights of Sex Workers in Europe (ICRSE) launched the call for participants for the European Red Umbrella Academy: Sex Work & HIV Training Programme. The training will take place from 19 – 22 March 2020 (location to be decided).

The Academy programme consists of coordination of a regional sex worker and HIV activists training, bringing together 24 activists from 8 countries, followed by a national one-day training for local sex workers communities on topics related to HIV. Furthermore, the project includes development of briefing papers on topics identified by the participants for advocacy and education purposes. The programme will be implemented in partnership by ICRSE and European AIDS Treatment Group.

Sex workers interested in developing their knowledge relating to sex work and HIV and HIV activists interested in developing their knowledge on sex work issues and supporting sex worker self-organisation can apply. Applicants must be based in a European or Central Asian country. Applicants can apply individually or in country-teams of up to three people. Application closing date is 31 January 2020.

ICRSE and EATG will cover all accommodation, travel and food expenses of the trainers during the whole duration of the training module.

To get a full information about the training, follow this link>>>