Under the auspices of 26 June – The International Day against Drug Abuse and Drug Trafficking, Aksion Plus conducted the “Support, Don’t Punish” campaign in the city of Fier. Initially, a meeting was held between the representatives of our center, the representative of the Regional Health Directorate in the city of Fier, staff and volunteers of the Epoka e Re Center. During this meeting was discussed about the need to open a new branch in Fier city for the delivery of methadone and the provision of medical and psychosocial assistance to drug users. We discussed about the current services offered to users by providing them more detailed information. Finally, the message overecomed was that young people are the ambassadors of sensitizing the general population to this phenomenon.
Together with volunteers from Epoka e Re, leaflets and brochures that aimed to inform the general public about drugs, harm reduction and HIV/AIDS were distributed. A meeting was also held with representatives of the City Hall of Fier.
Aksion Plus