The Robert Carr Fund Fund’s 2020-2024 Strategy

The Robert Carr Fund has adopted the Fund’s strategy 2020 – 2024. The strategy was developed in a participatory process in 2019 and was officially launched at the AIDS2020 conference in July 2020.

The strategy will chart the Fund’s course through 2024. It is rooted in the strategic approaches of fostering a culture of learning and nurturing partnerships that benefit ISPs and advances three strategic priorities:

  • Movement leadership
  • Financial health and resilience
  • Innovation and creativity

To learn more about the Robert Carr Fund’s strategic priorities and approaches, please read the Strategic Plan 2020-2024 follow this link>>>.

You can also listen to the strategy presentation delivered during the AIDS2020, where it was discussed by the members of the civil society, International Steering Committee, and RCF Funders.

Craig McClure, the Chair of the ISC, emphasized that “The strategy builds on and amplifies the original vision for the Robert Carr Fund.  It aspires to a brighter future for civil society networks, while being grounded in a response to the unique challenges of our times“.


Call for nominations

The Robert Carr Fund is pleased to announce a call for nominations for both International Steering Committee Civil Society Members and Program Advisory Panel Members


ISC Civil Society (CS) Members

The ISC civil society members are elected in their individual capacity, and do not formally represent particular constituencies or organizations. However, they are encouraged to consult with and draw upon the skills, knowledge and experience of their respective constituencies or organizations. There is on the International Steering Committee an equal number of seats for civil society members and donors. The number of civil society members enables a proper mix that reflects different types of networks, inadequately served populations and regions.

New Members will be nominated through an open call for nominations. The selection criteria focus on diverse representation and gender balance, to ensure that there is a strong representation from high HIV burden countries and inadequately served populations, including people living with HIV.

For more information on the membership and how to apply, please check out the RCF website.


Program Advisory Panel (PAP) Members

The Program Advisory Panel (PAP) reviews grant proposals and makes recommendations for funding to the ISC, and also provides on-going programmatic advice to the Robert Carr Fund about opportunities for funding, grantee capacity building and technical support, and monitoring and evaluation.

PAP members will be nominated through an open call for nominations. The nominations will be reviewed and comparatively scored by a subcommittee of members of the ISC. The ISC decides on a final list of PAP members. The Chair and Vice-Chair will be nominated by majority vote by the PAP at the beginning of each three-year governing term. The ISC appoints the PAP Chair and Vice-Chair.

For more information on the membership and how to apply, please check out the RCF website.


Deadline for applications is 20 September 2020.

Drug decriminalisation interactive map

TalkingDrugs, an online platforms dedicated to providing unique news and analysis on drug policy, harm reduction and related issues around the world, published an interactive map which provides an overview of decriminalisation models, offering insights into decriminalisation laws, their implementation and impact.

The criminalisation of people who use drugs compounds drug-related challenges and worsens health and welfare outcomes. The gold standard of decriminalisation is the removal of all punishment for drug use, and the availability and accessibility of evidence- and human rights-based harm reduction, health and social services on a voluntary basis.

Across the world, there is a growing number of jurisdictions where the possession of scheduled drugs for personal use has been decriminalised. Some form of decriminalisation has been adopted in 30 countries – with significant differences and levels of effectiveness. This interactive map provides an overview of these models, offering insights into decriminalisation laws, their implementation and impact. In some countries and federal states, this has been extended to the cultivation of cannabis for personal use or the sharing of substances where there is no financial gain (also known as ‘social sharing’).

The following elements are included in the map:

  • Threshold quantities used to determine whether the activity is decriminalised (if there are no thresholds other considerations used are outlined);
  • The agency responsible for determining the activity is decriminalised;
  • The activities that are decriminalised, and for which substances;
  • The applicable administrative / civil sanctions or whether no sanctions are applied.

In South East Europe, only Croatia adopted decriminalisation of possession a ‘small quantity’ of any drug. The decriminalisation of drug consumption and possession for personal use means that the person no longer has a criminal record, so the stigma associated with people who use and/or are dependent on drugs is reduced. The law also gives more flexible treatment options. Croatia’s model of decriminalisation is codified in the country’s laws through statutory reforms and was introduced in 2013.

This map has been developed in partnership with Release, the International Drug Policy Consortium, and Accountability International, thanks to the financial support of the Robert Carr Fund and Open Society Foundations. This map will be updated regularly. If you do have any comments or feedback please contact Talking Drugs.

To see the map and all data it contains, follow this link>>>

Small grants for community-led monitoring of service quality and satisfaction

The Eurasian Regional Consortium invites you to fill in forms to take part in the call for proposals to receive small grants for community-led monitoring of service quality and satisfaction. The Eurasian Regional Consortium joins the efforts of the Eurasian Coalition on Male Health (ECOM), the Eurasian Women’s AIDS Network (EWNA) and the Eurasian Harm Reduction Association (EHRA).

The call for proposals and the workshop to develop the skills and knowledge in monitoring of service quality and satisfaction are organized with financial support of the Robert Carr civil society Networks Fund (RCNF) within the project “Thinking outside the box: overcoming challenges in community advocacy for sustainable and high-quality HIV services”.

The total budget of the call for proposals is USD 35,000, with the maximum amount of one grant being USD 5,800. The following quotas are set forth for each of the communities:

  • 2 grants for the community of people who use drugs/OST participants;
  • 2 grants for the community of women living with HIV and vulnerable to HIV;
  • 2 grants for the community of gay/bisexual men/trans people.

Most SEE countries are eligible. Even if you are not a community organisation, maybe there are some leaders from the communities or OST clients who would be interested in looking into quality of OST. Only groups of people who use drugs can participate, but the grant could be managed by a harm reduction organization.

All other things being equal, preference will be given to the groups/organizations, which are active members of the Consortium: EHRA, ECOM and EWNA.

More information about the call are available following this link>>>