Strengthening NGO capacity and promoting public health and human rights oriented drug policy in South Eastern Europe

The current drug policies are based on a punitive repressive approach to discourage drug use and illegal production and distribution of drugs. This policy has been proven not to be effective. The Aim of this project was to promote drug policies and drug legislation based on a public health and human rights approach. That will lead to a more humane and effective drug policy.

Objectives of the project were to:

  • Continue with a strong presence of NGOs in the dialogue with the political actors and other stakeholders towards a more realistic and humane policy for drug users.
  • Strengthen the Network and member organisations

This project was the result and expected continuation of the cooperation between the organisations in South East Europe which dates back to 2009.

The project was supported by the European Union through Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA) programme Civil Society Facility (CSF) EuropeAid/136-034/C/ACT/Multi. The project run for 4 years, from 2015 to 2018.

The project lead was organisation Diogenis, Drug Policy Dialogue from Greece with partners from the region: Aksion plus from Albania, Margina from Bosnia Herzegovina, NGO 4life from Montenegro, Prevent from Serbia and DPNSEE.

Results of the project include:

  • Better co-ordinated actions of NGOs – broader than at the national level
  • Better consultation of civil society organisations on the national level
  • Larger network of strong member organisations (DPNSEE was created as one of the outputs of the project)
  • Efficient and reliable structures of the Network