DPNSEE resource centre
Sharing information, resources and experiences between actors in the field of drug policy
The DPNSEE Resource Centre aims to improve our and work of our member organisatins by facilitating and contributing to the sharing of information, resources and experiences between civil society organisations, their partners and local organisations, additionally providing useful training, practical information and services. It also aims to strengthen relationships and enhance dialogue between civil society organisations and other actors.
In this moment the Resource Centre a variety of legal documents related to drugs from the countries of South East Europe. The documents are classified by categories, countries and languages to facilitate search.
Guidelines for CSOs on working with youth and children with street experience in the Western Balkans – Margina
Guidelines for CSOs that support roma and egyptian children and youth in Western Balkans – ARSIS
Guidelines for CSOs Working With Vulnerable Youth in Western Balkans – Juventas
Improving social inclusion of identified groups of children and young people at risk in the Western Balkans
Social Delivery Standards for NGOs in working with youth at risk in Western Balkans – Juventas
Curriculum for working with youth at risk
Kurrikula për të punuar me të rinjtë në rrezik
Kurikulum za rad sa mladima u riziku
Bulgaria’s National Drugs Strategy 2020-24
Analiza isplativosti pružanja socijalnih usluga namijenjenih ranjivim populacijama u Crnoj Gori
Montenegro: Benchmarking sustainability of the HIV response among Key Populations in the context of transition from Global Fund support to domestic funding
Final Report on the Implementation of the Strategy for the Prevention of Drug Abuse of Montenegro for 2020
A captured gatekeeper: An evaluation of drug NGO access to ECOSOC accreditation and the UN Committee on NGOs
Quality Standards for Civil Society Involvement in Drug Policy
Закон за здруженија и фондации на Република Македонија
Zakon o udruženjima i fondacijama Bosne i Hercegovine
Coming soon -> Services the Centre will include:
- Database with comprehensive information on each CSO and international structures and organisations in the area of drug policy
- Database with comprehensive information about the situation in the area of drug policy in SEE countries, including information about national authorities and institutions
- Up-to-date key international and national materials and publications on drug policy
- Digital library with access to electronic versions of documents as well as audio-visual material in electronic format, where available
- Collection of research documents, practical activity hand-outs, educational tools, training courses design, e-learning courses, webinars and other materials of use in CSOs and wider
- A resource pool of experts capable to provide coaching and tailor-made support
- Research and counselling services
- Team of skilled professionals ready to organise events of different kind
- Support for developing info points in CSOs in the region
Discaimer: Documents collected in Resource Centre are primarily collected on internet and does not always represent actual and current legislation.
The documents collected in Resource Center are documents that DPNSEE member organzations work with constantly, and that are collected from web sites of state institutions of countries in the region, web sites of international drug policy organizations and specialized sites for legislation.
Our intention is to continuously improve this database. We invite you to support us by sending suggestion, comments and useful documents on e-mail: resoursecenter@dpnsee.org.
Thank you for contributing to the Resource Centre.