Global Organized Crime Index reports about SEE

The Global Organized Crime Index, produced by the Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime (GI-TOC),  is the first tool of its kind designed to assess levels of organized crime and resilience to organized criminal activity. The Index is the result of a two-year endeavour to evaluate levels of crime and resilience. It includes in its rankings all the UN member states – 193 countries.

The results, which draw from a comprehensive dataset informed by experts worldwide, rank countries according to two metrics: their criminality on a score from 1 to 10 (lowest to highest organized crime levels), which in turn is based on their criminal markets score and criminal actors score; and their resilience to organized crime, from 1 to 10 (lowest to highest resilience levels).

Key findings of the report include:

  • More than three-quarters of the world’s population live in countries with high levels of criminality, and in countries with low resilience to organized crime
  • Of all the continents, Asia has the highest levels of criminality
  • Human trafficking is the most pervasive of all criminal markets globally
  • Democracies have higher levels of resilience to criminality than authoritarian states
  • State actors are the most dominant agents in facilitating illicit economies and inhibiting resilience to organized crime
  • Many countries in conflict and fragile states experience acute vulnerability to organized crime

The Global Organized Crime Index is available following this link>>>.

DPNSEE extracted segments from this report related to drugs in countries of South East Europe. Here is the document we created>>>.