Curriculum for working with youth at risk

One of the outcomes of the “No risk, no borders for young people” project, coordinated by the Drug Policy Network South East Europe (DPNSEE) together with the project partners Aksion Plus (Albania), Margina (Bosnia Herzegovina), Juventas (Montenegro), Prevent and Re Generation (Serbia) and supported by the Regional Youth Cooperation Office (RYCO) within its 4th Open Call co-financed by the European Union, is the regional Curriculum for working with youth at risk.

The Curriculum was developed using a comprehensive educational approach, fully based on principle “youth for youth”. By including the youth in its design, testing and applying, it enabled the full match of the Curriculum with the present youth interests and issues of both the youth at risk as its beneficiaries and “other” youth.

It includes sections on Terms and definitions, Course delivery mode, Educational tools and materials (from international level) for working with youth at risk, Online tools for organizing educational activities, and four modules on The issues, The communities, The approaches and Systemic approach with 15 different topics.

The Curriculum was produced by external experts appointed through an open call: Megi Xhumari, Ioanis Papadopoulos and Aleksandar Trudić. Young people which participated in the project implementation, participating in a focus group, project team and trainers contributed with their expertise, ideas and comments.

The Curriculum was produced in English and is available in Albanian and Bosnian – Montenegrin – Serbian versions.


   Kurrikula për të punuar me të rinjtë në rrezik







  Curriculum for working with youth at risk







   Kurikulum za rad sa mladima u riziku
