More than 50% of people living with HIV worldwide are women. In Europe 1 in 3 HIV diagnoses concerns women. In Greece, 66,5% of women that have been diagnosed with HIV, until today, acquired the virus through heterosexual sexual intercourse.
The above data combined with the fact that there is lack of female-oriented awareness campaigns in Greece, motivated the Centre for Life (Kentro Zois) to design a powerful awareness campaign for the female population, focusing on heterosexual intercourse, in order to convey the message that HIV concerns women as well and that women can take the initiative for a healthy sex life.
Centre for Life’s campaign entitled “Take the first step for your protection” has the valuable support of the Melina Merkouri Foundation and constitutes the first coordinated awareness effort for women concerning HIV and/or AIDS in Greece. Leading roles of the campaign are played by Lena Drosaki, Lena Papaligoura, Ioanna Pappa and Gioulika Skafida, actresses that have been awarded with the Melina Merkouri Theatre Award for their performances.
Kentro Zois would like to thank the Dramatic Arts of the Piraeus Society and the talented actors Augoustinos Koumoulos, Dinos Gelameris, Angelos Dallas , Nikos Mavrakis & Elias Adam for their particpation, Larry Gus for letting us use the song “Aggelos Kiriou”, as well as Pitch for the warm hospitality.
The Centre of Life, since its foundation, implements support and empowerment services for seropositive women, as well as information and prevention actions for the female population. Women are a population particularly vulnerable to HIV, both due to biological factors and psychosocial factors. Given all the above, the Centre for Life considers of utmost importance the message of information and proper prevention to reach all women, thus inviting the public to support this effort for an issue that concerns us all.
More about the campaign you can find HERE>>>