Evaluating and planning summer activities

The Project Team meeting of the No risk, no borders for young people project was held online on 30 July 2021.

The Project Team shared impression that the youth exchange which was offered for (at least) one young activist from each partner organisation was a success. Besides practical on hand work with young people in risk, it was an excellent opportunity to share with the peers and learn about the host city.

Most of the meeting was dedicated to preparations for the Workshop scheduled for 26 to 29 August 2021 in Velipojë. Several improvements and additions to the agenda were introduced during the meeting. Logistics is already arranged, including travel, accommodation, working space and food.

First ideas sharing about the Curriculum content and trainers was held. We shall open a call for experts soon so that we make the selection at the Workshop 2. Also, we shall have a deeper discussion about the Curriculum there and make the final decisions.