The right to sit at the table

The Civil Society Forum on Drugs (CSFD) is an expert group to the European Commission. Its membership comprises 45 civil society organisations coming from across Europe and representing a variety of fields of drug policy, and a variety of stances within those fields.

The Rights Reporter Foundation produced a new video on why is it important to involve civil society in drug policy decision making, featuring the members of the EU’s Civil Society Forum on Drugs by interviewing its members about the valuable contribution civil society is doing in the field of drug policies in Europe. The movie was produced with the support of the EC JUST Drug Policy Grant.


Awareness video on human rights and harm reduction approach

Our member organisation Labyrinth invite to check out awareness video-animation they produced on Human rights and Harm reduction approach for people who use drugs in Kosovo.

The video was a part of the project that Labyrinth implemented “Enhancing drug user’s rights and entitlements” and was supported by the EU Office in Kosovo. The purpose of the “ENDURE” project was to create a more appropriate environment for people from marginalized communities to realize health, social and legal rights and to be involved in all processes of social life.

The project aimed to address the needs of discriminated and stigmatized groups by strengthening their capacities to invoke anti-discrimination law. The “ENDURE” project also aimed to raise awareness against discrimination providing legal and psychological support to drug users and improve access to drug users.

In scope of the ENDURE project, Labyrinth prepared two publications (both in Albanian):

Have a look at this excellent video. Subtitles are available both in English and Serbian language.

Romanian Support Don’t Punish YouTube channel launched

The Romanian Harm Reduction Network (RHRN) launched a YouTube channel with videos from users and professionals presenting the Support. Don’t Punish campaign messages “Sprijin. Nu pedepse“. A long-term video campaign started on the Global Day of Action 26 June under the S.DP umbrella.

A special campaign promotional video was prepared and posted at the channel

One of the first clips include a specific message which Professor Michel Kazatchkine, member of Global Commission on Drug Policy, sent to Romania.

A public event was held where activists from various organisations gathered to express their positions on discrimination and stigmatisation of drug users.

The stating videos at the channel will be followed by periodic episodes with practical harm reduction advices.

There are still several videos to be finished and released each couple of weeks, so stay tuned!

To see more photos from the public event, follow this link>>>. Follow the Romanian campaign Facebook page here>>>.


The winning video

Association Prevent from Novi Sad, Serbia, participated in the Support. Don’t Punish campaign for the fourth time. As the first activity in 2018, they opened a call for the best short video that will be the promotional video of the campaign.

The best video was produced by Milan Savić, from Lazarevac, who was the award of 25.000 dinars (something more than 200 euro).

You can see the video at the Prevent’s Facebook page following this link>>>