On the 22nd of June, NGO Juventas and NGO 4Life, announced the campaign by photographing in front of the city assembly with transparents – symbolic because it is the home of those who make decisions in this country. On this occasion, press releases were issued.
On the 26th of June 2018, NGO Juventas, along with Montenegrin Harm Reduction Network, marked the campaign night in Podgorica, the capital of Montenegro, at the venue “Koncept Art Space”.
The public tribune was held and people speaking were members of NGO Link, coordinator of Harm reduction program for PWID/SW from NGO Juventas Marija Milić and psychologist from the Institute of Public Health, Tatijana Đurišić Mandić. The tribune targeted youth and new psychoactive substances, as well as the parents and public in general, which are in Montenegro uneducated and not willing to find out ways to help their children/family members/community members in need.
The tribune was very productive as every person present were involved in the discussion, giving us as facilitators of excellent inputs for the future planning of activities with the youth.
After the tribune, documentary movie about harm reduction in Montenegro was played for the first time in public, as well as documentaries from region, all filmed by Drugreporter from Hungary.
The venue where the event was held is near the Government building, and we wanted to draw the attention by placing a big “Support. Don’t Punish” sign on venue’s window.
The reason why we have held an event like this – we wanted to attract as many people from the community, to hear our stories, to hear what are we fighting with and to realize that people who use drugs have voices too.
On 27 June, the last activity was held and included setting up an information stand at the Faculty of Political Sciences of the University of Montenegro.
The night of the campaign was preceded by the opening of Facebook page “Support. Don’t Punish. Mne”, organization of venue, the engagement of photographers for the production of photographs for labels, posters and programs for the campaign, printing of prepared material, engagement of participants, refreshments and transportation.
Media coverage:
- http://www.vijesti.me/vijesti/nvo-4life-i-juventas-osobe-koje-koriste-droge-ne-treba-kriminalizovati-993779
- http://www.vijesti.me/vijesti/milic-korisnici-droga-ne-smiju-biti-kriminalizovani-vec-partnerski-ukljuceni-u-programe-994344
- http://www.prcentar.me/clanak/utvrditi-tim-odgovoran-za-koordinisanje-implementacije-politika-za-droge/368
- http://www.prcentar.me/clanak/osobe-koje-koriste-droge-ne-treba-kriminalizovati/361
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oiI_j999aeg&feature=youtu.be