We published first issue of our newsletter in 2019 – DPNSEE Quarterly. It newsletter present the news from the Network, the news from the region and around the world in the field of drug policy.
In the DPNSEE Quarterly January – March issue, you can read about:
- The meeting of the Board of the Drug Policy Network South East Europe, held from 25 to 27 February 2019 in DPNSEE Office in Belgrade, Serbia
- The 62 Session of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs, held in March 2019
- The multi-country project ‘Sustainability of services for key populations in Eastern Europe and Central Asia region’
- The International Narcotics Control Strategy Report (INCSR) – an annual report by the US Department of State to Congress
- News from the member organisations of the Network
- And find about upcoming events
Read or download the DPNSEE Quarterly following this link>>>