Drug Policy Network South East Europe uses projects as a means of achieving our strategic objectives. Project management helps to focus on priorities and achieve Vision and Mission of the Network.
Below, you can search through projects we have implemented and those we are currently implementing.
BOOST Project
The HIV/AIDS and viral hepatitis epidemics pose a burden to public health in Europe and disproportionately affect people who use drugs (PWUD) and other vulnerable populations that lack access to health services. The Correlation Network, as the lead network, in partnership with Eurasian Harm Reduction Association, EuroNPUD, Free Clinic, Podane Ruce, LILA Milano, Asociacion Bienestar […]
Emergency support for the provision of HIV and Harm Reduction services among key populations in Ukraine and refugees in selected neighbouring countries
The Drug Policy Network South East Europe and its member organisations from Serbia (Prevent, TOC, Duga, Re Generacija) and Montenegro (Juventas, Cazas) implement the UNODC-led project “Emergency support for the provision of HIV and Harm Reduction services among key populations in Ukraine and refugees in selected neighbouring countries“. Primary objectives of the project are: Ensuring […]
No risk, no borders for young people
The project is supported by the Regional Youth Cooperation Office (RYCO) within its 4th Open Call and co-financed by the European Union.
Strengthening NGO capacity and promoting public health and human rights oriented drug policy in South Eastern Europe
The current drug policies are based on a punitive repressive approach to discourage drug use and illegal production and distribution of drugs. This policy has been proven not to be effective. The Aim of this project was to promote drug policies and drug legislation based on a public health and human rights approach. That will […]
Support. Don’t Punish
Support. Don’t Punish is a global advocacy campaign calling for better drug policies that prioritise public health and human rights. The campaign aims to promote drug policy reform, and to change laws and policies which impede access to harm reduction interventions. The campaign aligns with the following key messages: The drug control system is broken […]
Budget Advocacy and Monitoring in countries of South East Europe
The Drug Policy Network South East Europe (DPNSEE) launched the project “Budget Advocacy and Monitoring in countries of South East Europe”. The Open Society Foundations and the Eurasian Harm Reduction Association provided support to the project implementation. Since 2017, the Drug Policy Network South East Europe works with its member organisations from Bosnia Herzegovina, Montenegro and Serbia on budget advocacy and monitoring. In December 2017, […]
Harm reduction services in South East Europe: where are we now and which way we should go?
The overall purpose of the project was to ensure stronger participation of SEE representatives in the European Harm Reduction Conference. Specific objectives of the project included: Improve and extend partnerships in South East Europe Provide organizational and logistic support to SEE representatives at the Conference Organize a SEE side-event before EuroHRC Support linking of the […]
SEE Global Fund Transitions
Aim of this project was to document the acute funding crisis facing harm reduction services in Balkan states and South-East Europe, with the aim of influencing the policies and actions of the Global Fund and other donors. The project lead was the International Drug Policy Consortium. The project was supported by the Open Society Foundations. […]