Call for nominations

The Robert Carr Fund is pleased to announce a call for nominations for both International Steering Committee Civil Society Members and Program Advisory Panel Members


ISC Civil Society (CS) Members

The ISC civil society members are elected in their individual capacity, and do not formally represent particular constituencies or organizations. However, they are encouraged to consult with and draw upon the skills, knowledge and experience of their respective constituencies or organizations. There is on the International Steering Committee an equal number of seats for civil society members and donors. The number of civil society members enables a proper mix that reflects different types of networks, inadequately served populations and regions.

New Members will be nominated through an open call for nominations. The selection criteria focus on diverse representation and gender balance, to ensure that there is a strong representation from high HIV burden countries and inadequately served populations, including people living with HIV.

For more information on the membership and how to apply, please check out the RCF website.


Program Advisory Panel (PAP) Members

The Program Advisory Panel (PAP) reviews grant proposals and makes recommendations for funding to the ISC, and also provides on-going programmatic advice to the Robert Carr Fund about opportunities for funding, grantee capacity building and technical support, and monitoring and evaluation.

PAP members will be nominated through an open call for nominations. The nominations will be reviewed and comparatively scored by a subcommittee of members of the ISC. The ISC decides on a final list of PAP members. The Chair and Vice-Chair will be nominated by majority vote by the PAP at the beginning of each three-year governing term. The ISC appoints the PAP Chair and Vice-Chair.

For more information on the membership and how to apply, please check out the RCF website.


Deadline for applications is 20 September 2020.