Mapping services supporting drug users in Athens

According to recent estimations, around 30.000 people coming from vulnerable populations, including drug users, live in Athens. The lack of effective monitoring systems and related data regarding the actual numbers of these populations, and the insufficient communication and cooperation among service providers, leads to overlapping services, barriers to access in prevention, healthcare, harm reduction and therapeutic services and poor management of human and financial resources.

To contribute to solving this serious problem, Diogenis is building a mobile app as an interactive tool for street-workers and professionals working in the field of drugs. This tool will contribute in the best dissemination of information regarding the available governmental and NGO services for drug users and other vulnerable populations, and also help street-workers provide direct linkage to healthcare, prevention, harm reduction, therapeutic services, information on emergency issues and holistic support to drug users.

This is an example of a crowd funding campaign – a method that many civil society organisations is using recently to generate fund.